Active fiber

class ActiveFiber(length=0, core_radius=0, background_loss=0, core_na=0, spectroscopy=None, ion_number_density=0)

ActiveFiber describes a step-index single-mode fiber with active dopant ions. Currently, only uniform doping in the whole core area is supported. This class extends the FiberBase class by adding spectroscopic data: gain and emission spectra, upper state lifetime and doping concentration.

classmethod from_cross_section_files(length, absorption_cs_file=None, emission_cs_file=None, core_radius=0, upper_state_lifetime=0, ion_number_density=0, background_loss=0, core_na=0)
  • length (float) – Fiber length

  • absorption_cs_file (str) – Name of the file containing absorption cross-section data

  • emission_cs_file (str) – Name of the file containing emission cross-section data

  • core_radius (float) – Core radius

  • upper_state_lifetime (float) – Lifetime of the excited state

  • ion_number_density (float) – Number density of the dopant ions (1/m^3)

  • background_loss (float) – Linear loss of the core (1/m, NOT in dB/m)

  • core_na (float) – Numerical aperture of the core

__init__(length=0, core_radius=0, background_loss=0, core_na=0, spectroscopy=None, ion_number_density=0)
  • length (float) – Fiber length

  • core_radius (float) – Core radius

  • background_loss (float) – Linear loss of the core (1/m, NOT in dB/m)

  • core_na (float) – Numerical aperture of the core

  • spectroscopy (Spectroscopy) – The spectroscopic properties of the fiber.

  • ion_number_density (float) – Number density of the dopant ions (1/m^3)


Returns the constant saturation parameter zeta defined in the Giles model.


Returns the core area of the fiber defined as pi*r**2, where r is the core radius.


Core area

Return type
