
class OpticalChannel(channel_id, channel_type, direction, input_power, center_freq, num_of_modes=2, frequency_bandwidth=array([0.]), mode=None, overlaps=None, gain=array([0]), absorption=array([0]), loss=array([0]), reflection_target_id=None, reflectance=0, peak_power_func=<function OpticalChannel.<lambda>>)

The OpticalChannel class represents in single one-way power signal propagating in the fiber. It contains both user-supplied and pre-computed values required by the simulation model.

classmethod from_mode(channel_id, channel_type: str, direction: int, fiber, input_power: float, wl: float, mode, num_of_modes=2, wl_bandwidth=0, loss=None, reflection_target_id=None, reflection_coeff=0, peak_power_func=<function OpticalChannel.<lambda>>)

Create an OpticalChannel based on a defined fiber mode. This is the highest-level method for channel creation. The mode shape is used to compute its overlap with the core and then gain and absorption in the fiber.

  • channel_id (str or int) – Identifier for the channel, used for defining reflections and accessing the channel later

  • channel_type – The kind of channel (‘signal’, ‘pump’, ‘ase’ or ‘raman’) is used for generating an initial guess for the steady state algorithm. It is also used for grouping channels for plotting.

  • direction – Either +1 = forward or -1 = backward

  • fiber – The fiber used in the simulation (subclass of FiberBase)

  • input_power – Channel power at the input.

  • wl – Wavelength of the channel

  • mode – Fiber mode representing the channel (subclass of ModeBase)

  • num_of_modes – Only relevant for ASE generation, normally = 2 for two polarization modes.

  • wl_bandwidth – Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Only relevant for ASE generation. Large bandwidths should be divided into multiple channels.

  • loss – Background loss of the channel in 1/m.

  • reflection_target_id – If this channel reflects to a another channel, give that channel’s id here.

  • reflection_coeff – Reflectance to that other channel.

  • peak_power_func – Function mapping average power to peak power for pulsed signals. Only relevant for Raman.



classmethod from_overlaps(channel_id, channel_type, direction, fiber, input_power, wl, overlaps, num_of_modes=2, wl_bandwidth=0, loss=None, reflection_target_id=None, reflection_coeff=0, peak_power_func=<function OpticalChannel.<lambda>>, mode=None)

Create an OpticalChannel based on pre-computed overlap(s) with the ion populations in the fiber core. This is the second highest-level method for channel creation. The overlap(s) are used to calculate gain and absorption in the fiber.

  • channel_id (str or int) – Identifier for the channel, used for defining reflections and accessing the channel later

  • channel_type – The kind of channel (‘signal’, ‘pump’, ‘ase’ or ‘raman’) is used for generating an initial guess for the steady state algorithm. It is also used for grouping channels for plotting.

  • direction – Either +1 = forward or -1 = backward

  • fiber – The fiber used in the simulation (subclass of FiberBase)

  • input_power – Channel power at the input.

  • wl – Wavelength of the channel

  • overlaps – Numpy array of the channel’s overlaps with each ion population in the fiber’s core. Refer to DopingProfile for the definition of these ion populations.

  • num_of_modes – Only relevant for ASE generation, normally = 2 for two polarization modes.

  • wl_bandwidth – Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Only relevant for ASE generation. Large bandwidths should be divided into multiple channels.

  • loss – Background loss of the channel in 1/m.

  • reflection_target_id – If this channel reflects to a another channel, give that channel’s id here.

  • reflection_coeff – Reflectance to that other channel.

  • peak_power_func – Function mapping average power to peak power for pulsed signals. Only relevant for Raman.



classmethod from_gain_and_absorption(channel_id, channel_type, direction, input_power, wl, gain, absorption, loss, num_of_modes=2, wl_bandwidth=0, reflection_target_id=None, reflection_coeff=0, peak_power_func=<function OpticalChannel.<lambda>>, mode=None, overlaps=None)

Create an OpticalChannel based on pre-computed gain and absorption values. This is the third highest-level method for channel creation.

  • channel_id (str or int) – Identifier for the channel, used for defining reflections and accessing the channel later

  • channel_type – The kind of channel (‘signal’, ‘pump’, ‘ase’ or ‘raman’) is used for generating an initial guess for the steady state algorithm. It is also used for grouping channels for plotting.

  • direction – Either +1 = forward or -1 = backward

  • fiber – The fiber used in the simulation (subclass of FiberBase)

  • input_power – Channel power at the input.

  • wl – Wavelength of the channel

  • gain – Numpy array of the channel’s gain from each ion population in the fiber’s core.

  • absorption – Numpy array of the channel’s absorption from each ion population in the fiber’s core.

  • num_of_modes – Only relevant for ASE generation, normally = 2 for two polarization modes.

  • wl_bandwidth – Wavelength bandwidth of the channel. Only relevant for ASE generation. Large bandwidths should be divided into multiple channels.

  • loss – Background loss of the channel in 1/m.

  • reflection_target_id – If this channel reflects to a another channel, give that channel’s id here.

  • reflection_coeff – Reflectance to that other channel.

  • peak_power_func – Function mapping average power to peak power for pulsed signals. Only relevant for Raman.



__init__(channel_id, channel_type, direction, input_power, center_freq, num_of_modes=2, frequency_bandwidth=array([0.]), mode=None, overlaps=None, gain=array([0]), absorption=array([0]), loss=array([0]), reflection_target_id=None, reflectance=0, peak_power_func=<function OpticalChannel.<lambda>>)